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What I Do

Creating an Educational Plan That Works for Your Family

I've been working with children and families for over 11 years. I am passionate about teaching families how to balance learning and living. Integrating family life with education is a process that requires time, energy, expertise, and a variety of perspectives. Whether you are looking for a more traditional homeschooling path or radical un-schooling, I can assist you in finding educational pathways that work for your unique family!

I value people over profit, and I know that families are struggling right now. I know that we always receive back more than what we give to the world. My work is my gift to you, and I welcome back any gifts that you choose to give me in return. My hope is that the gift economy will one day replace corporations that value profit over people, so I choose to practice the gift economy here and now*.

The pay-what-you-want model allows for accessibility as well as equal exchange and genuine connection. I am offering guidance not for profit, but to empower families and build community. I do not keep track of hours or send invoices. It is up to each family to decide how to show their gratitude and appreciation for the work that I do. Perhaps you have a vacation home you would like to share with me (or maybe you build tiny houses and would like to gift me one?), or maybe you make jewelry or pottery for a living and want to send me a beautiful piece. Above all, I prefer gifts that come from the heart, whether that be in the form of money, food, or products. 


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*If the gift economy is a foreign concept for you and you feel more comfortable with a traditional payment model, feel free to let me know and I can give you a price estimate based upon average market rates for professional consulting. 

About Me: About Me
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